Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Day

Over the past 3 and 1/2 years, I have thought several times about starting a blog detailing all the ins and outs of going back to school full time as a single mother. I wish now that I would have started sooner, but it is not too late...I still have far to go in my adventure.

As a mother of a 13 year old daughter and an 11 year old son, my life is busy just keeping up with the daily routine of cooking, cleaning, laundry, chauffeuring, and nursing. Add a full-time college course and one part time waitressing job, stir...and my life has become a blur of color as I move from one activity to the next. I never knew I could juggle so well. Along this hectic path, there have been challenging days, horrible days, happy days, I just don't have the energy to get out of the bed days; underneath all of those days though, something magical has taken place. What started out as three people tolerating the day has grown into three people learning how to embrace life, hardships and all.

I have learned important lessons, some big, some small, and each day brings a new lesson, a new laugh, a new memory to add to our ever growing collection. And if my struggles and occasional achievements can provide inspiration, entertainment or even guidance for others than it is my pleasure to begin sharing our journey.

One more reason I decided to start this blog is to help those single moms that are interested wade through the confusing conglomerate of 'assistance' and 'grant' gimmicks that are everywhere. There ARE actual programs that can help...but sometimes the process is so intimidating that women don't take advantage of the opportunity. I would love to help remedy that by assisting others through the murky process. You really CAN do it!

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